Conferência sobre o Programa Norisk Eramus Mundus na OERN

Esta conferência decorre na sede da OERN, no Porto, a partir das 18h00

O principal objetivo desta conferência é promover o programa de NORISK Erasmus Mundus, que é um mestrado organizado pela UMinho em conjunto com a UPC (Barcelona, ​​Espanha), LRU (La Rochelle, França) e UNIPD (Pádua, Itália).

Aqui será feita uma ainda uma apresentação sobre o tema Risco de Prédios Escolares a Terremoto (caso piloto da República Dominicana), que será um exemplo de aplicação das ferramentas NORISK em um estudo de caso internacional.

A NORISK centra-se na temática da análise de riscos e gestão de infraestruturas e tem como principal objetivo preparar uma nova geração de técnicos com sólida formação de base num contexto integrador e multidisciplinar que lhes permita atuar no mercado de análise de riscos e gestão de infraestruturas.


18h00 Abertura: Bento Aires, presidente da OERN

18h05 Apresentação programa NORISK – Helder Sousa  

18H25 Seismic Risk of critical facilities in the Dominican Republic: Case study of School buildings – Norberto Rojas (Invited Lecture from INTEC, Dominican Republic):  

18H45 Some Thoughts on the Same Old Disasters in the Age of Digital Twins, AI, Smart Cities (Invited Lecture from UCF, USA),

19H05 Towards cost-effective and reliable management of deteriorating infrastructure, Necati Catbas, Emilio Bastidas-Artiaga (Invited Lecture from LRU, France):

19H25 Considerações finais – José Campos e Matos

Sobre os oradores

Hélder S. Sousa, Assistant Researcher at UMINHO, holds a PhD degree in Civil Engineering (2013). Expert in safety assessment of existing structures combining inspection and non-destructive with probabilistic analysis; prediction modelling, risk and reliability analysis based on different levels of uncertainty and resilience analysis considering preparedness, reaction, response and mitigation for infrastructure management. He is author of several international journal papers and has actively participated in the scientific committee of various national and international congresses. He is task group leader of IABSE TG5.8 – Resilience of existing structures, and member of several international boards such as IABSE E-Learning and e-Resource , IABSE Young Engineers Programme, PIARC Technical Committee TC1.5 Disaster Management. He is also Editorial Board Member for SEI – Structural Engineering International.

Norberto José Rojas Mercedes, is Research Professor and Coordinator of the Master of Science in Structural and Earthquake-Resistant Engineering at the Technological Institute of Santo Domingo (INTEC), Dominican Republic. In 2000, he obtained a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), Dominican Republic. In 2005 he completed a master’s degree in civil engineering with an emphasis in Structural Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus, Puerto Rico. Later, in 2011, he obtained a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering with a concentration in Structural Engineering form the same academic institution. His research work is focused on the vulnerability assessment of structures, including Buildings and Bridges.

Dr. Edgar Emilio Bastidas-Artiaga is Professor of Civil Engineering in La Rochelle University, France. His research work aims at providing stochastic frameworks to optimise design, inspection, and maintenance of ageing infrastructure assets under realistic environmental conditions including climate change.

Dr. F. Necati Catbas is Lockheed Martin St. Laurent Professor at the Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering Department of the University of Central Florida (UCF) and the Founding Director of CITRS. Dr. Catbas’ research interests span theoretical, experimental and applied aspects of structural identification, structural health monitoring, non-destructive evaluation, earthquake engineering, condition assessment of structural systems and earthquake engineering with applications on structures such as bridges, buildings, aerospace structures and components, stadium structures. He is in the editorial board of several journals including, Associate Editor for the ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Handling Editor for Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR), ICE Structures and Buildings, the Structure and Infrastructure Engineering Journal. He served in the Executive Board of Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM), served as the Chair of the ASCE Structural Identification Technical Committee, among others. Dr. Catbas received several awards and honors for his research, teaching and service activities, such as Aftab Mufti Medal from International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, Kikuchi-Karlaftis Award from Transportation Research Board. Dr. Catbas is a registered professional engineer in the State of Florida, and he is an elected Fellow of the ASCE and Fellow of the SEI.

José António Silva Carvalho Campos Matos, the supervisor of this PhD thesis, has a PhD in Civil Engineering in safety and reliability analysis. He is an Assistant Professor at University of Minho, member of ISISE, where he develops research in asset management, life-cycle costs, risk analysis, structural safety, robustness, structural monitoring and damage identification. He is author of several international top journal papers and has actively participated in the scientific committee of various national and international congresses, as well as coordinated many projects at national and international level. He was the chairman of COST Action TU 1406 (EU supported action for networking), Quality Control Plans for Roadway Bridges, Standardization at European Level. Also, he was Past president of EuroStruct, Vice President of IABSE, Chair of fib Commission 8 and Member of Board of Order of Engineers (North Region).

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